“Learning About and With AI: A Natural Project of the School Library” was the central theme of Vitor Tomé’s presentation at the XXVII Meeting of the Leiria Library Network on 16 November 2024. In addition to a brief presentation on the Algowatch project, Tomé outlined the dynamic challenges that libraries currently face, transforming from bastions of knowledge into adaptable centres responding to the digital age. Issues such as digital exclusion and the need for equitable access to both traditional and digital resources are pressing. Budget reductions also pose significant challenges, necessitating innovative resource allocation.
The presentation underscored the necessity for libraries to evolve by embracing technological advancements and adapting to changes in educational models, the rise of e-books, and a growing perception of irrelevance. By focusing on community engagement, innovation, and integrated technology, libraries can reposition themselves as vibrant hubs of learning, culture, and community involvement, ensuring their continued vitality in the digital era. Tomé’s insights stressed the urgency of developing strategies to enhance the relevance and impact of libraries moving forward.