Le Serious Game (Prototype)

Set in a distant future, the game takes place in EUNOPE, a planet under the influence of AI and algorithms. Eunope is a futuristic planet where artificial intelligence and algorithms have seamlessly merged with societal functions.

It is a planet where advanced AI and algorithms influence every aspect of life.

The planet represents the pinnacle of algorithmic influence, making it a fascinating and unique setting for the game.


Here you can find the game prototype and other materials for download.

Game Prototype

Zip file with the game prototype to install in Windows operating systems.

Project Info

Document with detailed information about the game in PDF.

About the Game

This game was designed by researchers at the National University of Ireland at Maynooth (NUIM) on the basis of the Algorithms/AI skills framework developed within AlgoWatch by Savoir Devenir, which is also used in the quizzes and accompanying documents of the project. It was also informed by co-creation sessions with 100 teenagers in Ireland. Through immersive interactive stories, it aims to engage players and develop their critical thinking.

In the game, players develop an understanding of the impacts of AI and algorithms on people's daily lives and learn strategies to best use them, and to reduce their negative impacts. The focus is on learning skills related to understanding the basic functionalities of AI and algorithms, with a focus on information and disinformation, through mini-games in which the player encounters various behaviours of AI systems and algorithms.

Player interactions are metaphors for the actions people can take to master algorithms. They allow you to test your understanding of AI and learn through play.

The Algowatch Project

ALGOWATCH (October 2023 – September 2025) aims to create a dedicated multi-stakeholder team focused on algo-literacy, an emergent sub-field of Media and Information Literacy (MIL), with a special focus on how to detect and deflect algorithmic disinformation.

The action will use an empowerment by design methodology, having participants co-create interactive quizzes and games, to foster self-efficacy and participatory processes among people with low skills (youth 15+ and multiplier professionals).